Proofreading service for businesses and organisations

Typos, grammatical errors and inconsistencies in style look unprofessional and can quickly put off clients.

As a qualified proofreader, I can clean up your documents, ensuring that your organisation's message shines through clearly.

Hannah works fast and thoroughly, responds to emails quickly and in a friendly manner, and overall she is a true professional. I work with Hannah for a client that many would find somewhat complex, but Hannah seemed to understand it straight away. She is a real pleasure to work with.
— Loes Evers, Content Lead, Hearst Create

I work with businesses on a wide range of texts including:

  • annual reports and proposals

  • websites and blogs

  • flyers and advertisements

  • brochures, newsletters and magazines

Fast turnaround

I pride myself on providing a reliable, efficient service. I am used to working to tight schedules while always maintaining high standards, and I’ve never missed a deadline.

Confidentiality guaranteed

All texts will be treated confidentially, and I will never upload your documents to external websites.

Get in touch

Whatever materials you’re working on, I can provide a final polish.